2024-2025 ASCE Anchorage Branch Officers

President: Ori miller

Vice-President: matt haymes

Treasurer: kim bustillos

Secretary: jason mckee

Past President: Dylan Baffrey

2023-2024 ASCE Anchorage Branch Officers

President: dylan baffrey

Vice-President: ori miller

Treasurer: matt haymes

Secretary: kim bustillos

Past President: steven halcomb

2024-2025 ASCE Anchorage Branch Chairs

YMF Representative: KACY GRUNDHAUSER AND ELENa feghali

Golf Tournament Chair: VACANT

E-Week Chair: VACAnT

Publicity Chair: Liz Greer

Currently seeking volunteers

Community Support / Community Engineering Corps: vacant

APDC / Interim Government Relations: Dan Nichols

UAA Liaison / Cities of the future: Dylan Baffrey

Report Card / Sustainability / Membership: David Gamez and Dylan Baffrey